The secret to success when pitching from a downhill lie stems from your set up position.  As with any uneven lie, the first step is to widen your stance to create more stability in your base.  Please now lean onto your forward leg by adding flex to your knee.  You will now need to open your stance quite a bit so that the flexed knee doesn’t get in the way of your hands as they swing though the shot.

A great way to check for the correct amount of knee flex is to hold the club across your chest to simulate the ground slope you are standing on.  Try to flex your knee until the shaft and the ground are parallel… Now add a little tilt of your spine towards the target to ensure your club path is now steeper than the slope the ball is on.

Now let’s work on your ball and club position to put the final touches on preparing you for success.  The ball should go a little further back in your stance than you normally play a stock pitch shot…careful not to put it too far back as it could cause you to get too steep and chop into the ground!

The handle of the club should be leaning towards the target to further enhance the ability to strike the ball on a downward path.  Now with all this action moving towards the target, we will need to open the face of the club until the dynamic loft closer resembles the clubs true loft… think of it this way;  in leaning your body towards the target, leaning the handle towards the target & standing on the downslope, you have effectively turned your 60* wedge into a 48* wedge.  You must therefore open it until you achieve the effective loft you desire.

You may now strike the ball with an Angle of Attack that is steeper than the slope you stand.  Try to use your normal pitching mechanics to keep this shot as simple as possible.  Remember, all the important work was done during your setup!