Too much or too early of anything can be a bad think in your golf swing. We often hear about how increasing rotation can help us hit the ball further, however, when applied at the wrong time… this will have quite the opposite affect!
The world of foot pressure has become such and incredible source for the fast track to success and power that it necessitates a closer look at some of the massive power leaks that we see on a daily basis. This specific look centers on what could easily be one of the most misguided applications of proper knowledge in the game. After all, it is a fact that increasing your rotation can generate more club head speed….or can it?
I’m am continually blown away by the quantity of people who sacrifice ground connection and stability in the pursuit of increased rotation. It is an incredible age to be a golf coach with the ability to use advanced equipment that can show us measurable data of exactly what is occurring with rotation and foot pressure!
One of the common killers is early rotation, specifically looking at the trail hip/shoulder during the transition phase of the swing. When people desire to increase speed and rotation, this is often the time of the swing they focus on. This causes the trail hip/shoulder to move directly towards the ball which gets much of the foot pressure onto the toes. This act of increased toe pressure instantly decreases rotation!
Please stand up now and try it! Get into golf posture and then put all of your foot pressure onto your toes… now try to rotate as far towards the target as you can while maintaining the toe pressure. You’ll see there is a distinct limit to how far you are able to rotate. NOW! Pretty please take your Lead Foot and slam it back onto your heel… and what, pray tell, just happened to your belt buckle & rotation?! Yes, a massive increase in rotation!
The next time you get to work on the swing, begin with some practice swings with your EYES CLOSED so that you can easily focus on your foot pressure. What are your tendencies? Heels or toes? Lefts or
The world of foot pressure has become such and incredible source for the fast track to success and power that it necessitates a closer look at some of the massive power leaks that we see on a daily basis. This specific look centers on what could easily be one of the most misguided applications of proper knowledge in the game. After all, it is a fact that increasing your rotation can generate more club head speed….or can it?
I’m am continually blown away by the quantity of people who sacrifice ground connection and stability in the pursuit of increased rotation. It is an incredible age to be a golf coach with the ability to use advanced equipment that can show us measurable data of exactly what is occurring with rotation and foot pressure!
One of the common killers is early rotation, specifically looking at the trail hip/shoulder during the transition phase of the swing. When people desire to increase speed and rotation, this is often the time of the swing they focus on. This causes the trail hip/shoulder to move directly towards the ball which gets much of the foot pressure onto the toes. This act of increased toe pressure instantly decreases rotation!
Please stand up now and try it! Get into golf posture and then put all of your foot pressure onto your toes… now try to rotate as far towards the target as you can while maintaining the toe pressure. You’ll see there is a distinct limit to how far you are able to rotate. NOW! Pretty please take your Lead Foot and slam it back onto your heel… and what, pray tell, just happened to your belt buckle & rotation?! Yes, a massive increase in rotation!
The next time you get to work on the swing, begin with some practice swings with your EYES CLOSED so that you can easily focus on your foot pressure. What are your tendencies? Heels or toes? Lefts or